Logic Pro 8 It's been a while


Hi folks, it's been a while since I used logic, Platinum on the PC actually, but the space bar used to toggle start and stop even when cycle was enabled. On my Logic 8 copy it starts from the left locator when cycle is enabled. Is there a way to make it behave in the old way?
Cheers for that, but I tried Key Commands already and the space bar is already set to start stop. The problem is that I'm used to locating a place in my song and pressing the space bar to start at that place. If the cycle is enabled, pressing the space bar acts as a kind of play from left locator, not a play from where I am. Maybe I just have to get my head around it.
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Hi folks, it's been a while since I used logic, Platinum on the PC actually, but the space bar used to toggle start and stop even when cycle was enabled. On my Logic 8 copy it starts from the left locator when cycle is enabled. Is there a way to make it behave in the old way?

Question: if the space bar used to toggle start and stop even when cycle was enabled, how did you play the cycle region?

To answer your question: In Logic Express 9 (I don't know if this will work in Logic 8), when the cursor is positioned in the lower half of an audio waveform, it changes to the Marquee tool. Clicking once makes a thin line at that location. I have assigned the Z key to the command "Play from selection." So I am able to play from anywhere, even if cycle is turned on. Hope this helps.
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Question: if the space bar used to toggle start and stop even when cycle was enabled, how did you play the cycle region?

Return played from the left locator. I use a double click in the ruler now but every now and again when concentrating, i press the space bart to play and it pings of to the start of the cycle. Thanks for the advice
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You need to use the "pause" key command if you want to start playback from within an area that has cycle enabled. Either that, or do a long click on the play button in the transport and deselect "play cycle". That way the play functions will be freed from the tyranny of the cycle mode.
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